Using TENS therapy and EMS therapy, AccuRelief™ products block pain signals with soothing, electrical pulses, providing you with immediate relief. Accurelief's line of TENS Units and EMS devices are designed to ease various types of pain and restore a quality of life. The brand's line of TENS and EMS devices work well alongside physical therapy regimens.

AccuRelief™ Universal Supply Kit
From Regular Price$10.99

AccuRelief™ Wireless Supply Kit
Regular Price$14.99

AccuRelief™ Wireless TENS Unit
$49.99 $39.99

AccuRelief™ Ultimate Foot Circulator with Remote
Regular Price$249.99

AccuRelief™ Wireless Pain Relief Device With Remote and Mobile App
Regular Price$69.99

AccuRelief™ Dual Channel TENS
Regular Price$49.99