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Featured by the New York Times'"The Best Light Therapy Lamp"

"The Theralite Aura Qi Light Therapy Sun Lamp has a few bonus features not found in most competitors." -The Manual

"This changed my morning personality (for the better)" - Customer Review

TheraLite Aura Qi Light Therapy Lamp - Carex Health Brands
TheraLite Aura Qi Light Therapy Lamp - Carex Health Brands
TheraLite Aura Qi Light Therapy Lamp - Carex Health Brands
TheraLite Aura Qi Light Therapy Lamp - Carex Health Brands
TheraLite Aura Qi Light Therapy Lamp - Carex Health Brands
TheraLite Aura Qi Light Therapy Lamp - Carex Health Brands
TheraLite Aura Qi Light Therapy Lamp - Carex Health Brands
TheraLite Aura Qi Light Therapy Lamp - Carex Health Brands
TheraLite Aura Qi Light Therapy Lamp - Carex Health Brands
TheraLite Aura Qi Light Therapy Lamp With Alarm Clock And Phone Charger
TheraLite Aura Qi Light Therapy Lamp - Carex Health Brands
TheraLite Aura Qi Light Therapy Lamp - Carex Health Brands
TheraLite Aura Qi Light Therapy Lamp - Carex Health Brands
TheraLite Aura Qi Light Therapy Lamp - Carex Health Brands
TheraLite Aura Qi Light Therapy Lamp - Carex Health Brands
TheraLite Aura Qi Light Therapy Lamp - Carex Health Brands
TheraLite Aura Qi Light Therapy Lamp - Carex Health Brands
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Hello friends today i have my first pay gig to do the review of the thera light orchy mood and energy enhancing light with usb and wireless charging features and a built-in alarm clock so companies have sent me products to review before as you know but this is the first time i've been paid to do a review so i'm feeling blessed to be compensated for that work that i do because you know it takes time and effort to make these videos and it's nice to get some compensation now by the way i have a discount code for you if you watch all the way to the end and links for you to purchase discount codes as well as the resources that are included in the show notes because i've got lots of cool things that i'm going to be telling you about so in this video i'm going to go over some of the key features of the orachi mood and energy enhancing light as well as light therapy works why it works for insomnia and depression so this particular light has an adjustable light that comes from above which is particularly important for its application number one it makes it easy to use while you're sitting at your computer working in the morning you can just have it on while you're reading or while you're eating your breakfast so that's really easy number two it means that you can angle it so that it goes directly towards your eyes which is the angle that you want for the maximum effectiveness the orangey mood and energy enhancing light is using uv free led technology and this is important because uv light can cause skin and eye damage so you do want it to be uv free a nice bonus is that it can double as a charging station for your cell phone and it also has a usb charging outlet as well now let's get to the science of light therapy so why it works does light therapy work this was my main question when they reached out to me in a meta-analysis of 53 studies with 1 500 participants that looked at the effect of light therapy on circadian rhythm insomnia and sleep problems related to alzheimer's disease and dementia light therapy seems like a promising treatment for sleep problems light therapy was found effective for sleep problems in general and particularly for circadian outcomes and insomnia symptoms your circadian rhythm is your biological clock that determines when you fall asleep and when you wake up among other things that are really outside of the scope of this video so there are many things that can disrupt your circadian rhythm from a sleepless night changes in your schedule changed time zones aging alcohol alzheimer's disease dementia bipolar disorder menopause pregnancy staying up all night sleeping in substance abuse and screen time in another article bright light therapy for non-seasonal depression a meta-analysis of clinical trials in the journal of affective disorders found that light therapy showed a significant reduction of depressive symptoms especially when administered for two to five weeks and then reviewed as a standalone treatment i found an article written by philip sloan a medical doctor with a master's in public health mariana phd and lauren conan m.a and the u.s library of medicine the national institute of health titled light therapy for sleep disorders and depression in older adults this one was quite helpful and i'll link to it in the show notes and all the articles in the show notes so you can go back and look at them yourself the medical and research experts in this article answer some key questions that you might have about light therapy so number one why does light therapy work this is a valid question why does light therapy work so this is what they say the physiological foundation of light as therapy for sleep wake cycles disturbance is based on the understanding that living organisms have adapted to the daily rotation of the earth by developing biological rhythms that repeat at approximately 24-hour intervals that's your circadian rhythm the most prominent physiological manifestations of these are the sleep wake cycle and diurnal variations of melatonin secretion of cortisol and core body temperature the regulation of melatonin and temperature is controlled by the scn in the hypothalamus of the brain which fluctuates cyclically but needs an external stimulus to maintain consistent 24-hour cycle that key external stimulus is variation in light and darkness over the course of the day and in particular exposure to high light levels during the morning hours these cyclical changes in light levels in turn synchronize the scn to the 24-hour day ensuring that the timing of physiological rhythms so that we're asleep during the nighttime hours and awake during the daytime hours so number two how much light is needed and for how long so in general the recommended minimum light therapy is 24 2500 lux of white broadband light for the cornea a two-hour exposure or as much as 10 000 lux for a 30 minute exposure that's the recommendations from that article now the orange light that i'm reviewing offers 10 000 lux intensity when it's at 12 inches or 30 centimeters from your eyes so you only need 30 minutes of exposure number three when should you apply light therapy so the myo clinic recommends that people with sad or seasonal affective disorder begin light therapy in the early fall when it becomes more cloudy outside and there's less natural light and it's best to do your light therapy during the morning hours first thing in the morning so number four how can light therapy be the most effective so here are some great tips from the myoclinic again to increase the effectiveness of your light therapy you don't need to do anything special when you sit in front of your lamp other than make sure that the light from the lamp enters your eyes indirectly it won't work if you're just exposing your skin to the light you don't want to look directly into the light as well other than that it's really simple to set it up at your home home or your office so that you can read use your computer watch tv or eat while you're doing your light therapy now light therapy combines three things number one light intensity 10 000 lux box about 16 to 24 inches from your face number two duration daily sessions of 20 to 30 minutes and timing early in the morning after you wake up so number five are there any contraindications to light therapy in other words who should avoid light therapy who should not do light therapy so because of the theoretical risk of retinal damage light therapy should be avoided by persons with significant retinal damage so for example macular degeneration or people who have no lens in one or both eyes patients initiating light therapy should be cautioned that eye discomfort may result and instructed that if it's mild they may continue treatment but they should also be informed that in some patients non-specific symptoms such as headaches dizziness and jitteriness are sometimes observed but that these are usually mild and may be transient the myoclinic also warns that light therapy may cause headaches nausea irritability agitation or may trigger mania in some people with bipolar disorder so if you're interested in pursuing light therapy i would recommend the orachi it will allow you to receive the therapeutic applications of light therapy easily and safely while you're doing things that you're already doing like eating or working on your computer or reading all these things that you already do in the morning in your home so you can get an orachi by clicking on the show notes below and getting them at and i also have a discount code for you to get 20 off with melissa 20 for any of their light therapy lamps and there's also a direct link with the 20 off code in my show notes thanks so much for watching

Sku: FGE80500 0000

TheraLite Aura Qi Light Therapy Lamp With Alarm Clock And Phone Charger

Combat Seasonal Depression While Charging Your Phone

Availability: In Stock

  • 🌞 Delivers doctor recommended 10,000 LUX for best results
  • 🌞 Four light settings for custom treatment and all-day use
  • 🌞 Includes a built-in alarm  clock, thermostat, wireless charger, and USB port
  • 🌞 Easy to use: 20-30 minutes daily to feel the effects

"I LOVE this lamp. It has literally been a staple for me especially during my seasonal depression. I bought it 9 months ago and i use it first thing I wake up while I pray and it’s made such a difference in my alertness and mood. Buy this one, it’s worth it! 9 months later and I still use it every morning."
- Lauretta

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Don't look directly into the light don't look directly into the light that should be an obvious one [Music] hello everyone and welcome to hypes by allison i hope you are having a great weekend i'm super excited about this video today because it has to do with what is happening today and that is daylight savings november 7th not many people look forward to daylight savings i know i don't the reason that many people hate daylight savings is because it gets darker earlier some people like it but a majority don't can cause depression anxiety problems with sleep and demotivation but there is a solution to that and i have an amazing product that will help you with your daylight savings blues i want to thank carex for sponsoring this video and for sending me this amazing hair light i'm going to go ahead and grab it we're going to chat about it and we're just going to talk about the benefits of light therapy also remember that staying active eating healthy are also parts of the whole picture light therapy can complete the circle but remember to continue eating healthy getting your exercise and drinking a lot of water taking your vitamins and whatnot i'm going to go ahead and grab this amazing product and we're going to chat about it all the benefits of it and how you can use it now that daylight savings has come this is the theralite auriki mood and energy enhancing light i'm excited to tell you how this bright light therapy can boost your energy improve sleep and maintain wellness i'm gonna go ahead and open this up now that this is all set up go plug it in go ahead and take the cord that was included and plug it into the port on the back then plug the other side into the wall [Music] now that it's all set up we're just going to talk a little bit about what light therapy is so light therapy is exposure to an artificial light source that emits strong light mimicking sunlight it helps our bodies to produce melatonin and serotonin when we are lacking exposure to sunlight and these times where we are lacking exposure are obviously fall in winter and of course it depends on where you live but in general those are the seasons in which the sunlight is lacking supplementing a low sunlight exposure with an artificial source like this can help you reduce circadian rhythm disorder which happens when you are lacking melatonin and serotonin and if you replace the lack of sunlight it helps you to sleep better be happier and of course feel more energized throughout the day even though i live in california i know that when i am not getting enough sun and we have weeks of overcast and rainy weather i definitely feel a little more down in the dumps and i of course sleep a lot more and now i know exactly why that happens and feel that this would definitely benefit me if you live in a state where there is snow it's overcast more often something like this could really help you during the fall and winter months so i'm going to get more specific and talk about a list of conditions that light therapy can help those include sleep disorders sad sad is seasonal affective disorder we will talk about that a little more later you can get non-seasonal depression senile dementia jet lag acute depression and shift work adjustment so for all you medical people warehouse people that end up having to work overnight this could really help you because you know when you work all night and have to figure out how to fall asleep during the day that can mess up your circadian rhythm it can cause your cortisol to increase which of course naturally causes more depression and also leads to weight gain and inactivity so if all the people with overnight jobs knew about this light therapy they'd be so much happier and healthier so we're going to go ahead and get into seasonal affective disorder many of you have probably heard about what that is sometime in your life especially if you're someone that suffers from it and remember if you are suffering from this it's going to be difficult to run to lift weights to go to the gym because you're going to be tired and you're going to have difficulty with motivation and getting yourself there you're probably just going to get the minimum amount of things done in your life and then the others are just going to kind of fall off so like it says in the title seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that happens in relation to the change of seasons it begins and ends at about the same times every year most people start in fall and then continue into the winter months sapping your energy and making you feel moody don't brush that away if you're suffering from this take the steps to keep your mood and motivation steady throughout the years by using this the best light therapy you can ever have so i'm just going to talk about just a little study real quick about seasonal affective disorder so a meta-analysis study data from 14 research centers with a combined 332 patients over five years the review found that light therapy achieved what antidepressant drugs did in as little as one week compared to four to sixteen weeks funny that sad fits perfectly with the title seasonal affective disorder because seasonal affective disorder makes you sad and we don't want to be fat we want to be happy like this lamp so that we have fun and are not sulking especially during the holidays that fall in the winter and fall season because today it's going to get darker just a little bit earlier we all want to prep ourselves mentally for this little change especially if you are in a state where it gets colder and that winter weather appears when you wake up the next morning sometimes things can be a little bipolar cold hot cold hot and that can probably throw you for a loop as well but if you have this lamp you're going to be prepped mentally and physically for what you have to come with the seasonal change the time change and that earlier darkness that comes upon us i don't understand why they ever did time change because so many people just are not a fan but we gotta deal with it somehow we're gonna go ahead and we're going to check out the features of this light and see how it will help us and learn about the other fun high-tech things that it has this amazing light includes a built-in alarm that is super easy to set up i have a goal to stop using my phone at night one of the problems with that is that i use my phone as an alarm as a result i tend to overuse my phone at night because it is on so having a separate alarm is honestly so great because now i can turn my phone off and know that i'll be woken up there's lots of great directions for all the many features that come with this wonderful happy light also included on this lamp is wireless charging for our phones how exciting is that i lose my chargers all the time let's go ahead and see how this wireless charging works so you're going to start by making sure that the charging pad on the base of the therapy lamp is clear from all objects especially metal or magnetic objects you're going to place your phone face up on the charging symbol and as you can see the charging has begun so the icon on the mobile device indicates that it is charging if your phone is not compatible with this wireless charging there's also a nice usb here be sure that the lamp is plugged in and connect a standard usb cable [Music] you're going to press the standard on button to turn the light on and then you're going to use the plus and minus to brighten or to decrease the brightness so if i wanted to decrease the brightness i would press the minus sign then we're going to go up and then press to go down so if you have mild to moderate winter blues sleep or circadian rhythm issues regular daily use of the theralite can help provide relief for most conditions used shortly after waking or in the morning so you're going to place the thera light above your line of sight where possible to maximize the light reaching your eyes you should be facing the light with your eyes open during your light sessions but don't look directly into the light don't look directly into the light that should be an obvious one so over the first few days of use you want to assess how much it helps you and then if you need you can make the sessions longer or shorter depending on how it makes you feel so really think about your symptoms how they're improving if they're getting worse and then that will help you determine how long you're going to use this light so we're going to talk about lux just going to read this because it's a little more detailed it says lux or light intensity at a specific distance from the light is the common term used in bright light therapy it comes with a chart that helps you to determine the treatment times for your winter blues based on your proximity to the lamp make sure that you're not over using this lamp and if you're experiencing increased irritability excessive energy levels or discomfort during use decrease your session time and move the light a little further away using the lamp in the late afternoon or evening is not advised as it may disrupt your sleep and it is recommended that you consult your doctor before beginning therapy with this but that is up to you overall this thing is just beyond amazing it's something that a lot of us may need to make ourselves happier and healthier and be able to get through those difficult months during the year when it's gloomy and cold and it's just hard to get motivated i have a special gift for all you guys i have a discount code for 20 off if you go to the link in my description click on it you can use code allison20 to get 20 off of this amazing there a light we all want to be happy and be productive we don't want to be down in the dumps it's not ideal when something environmental outside of our control causes us to be depressed we need to be proactive use some sort of method to decrease these symptoms that are not fun i really hope you enjoyed learning about this amazing lamp remember it will help you to become a better athlete become stronger become happier more productive and better at your job i highly recommend that you click on the link use my discount code grab one of these for yourself if you have any questions about it you can always comment below we're gonna go ahead and close out this video just remember to be positive about daylight savings i know we all just don't look forward to it we can be positive about it because we have this amazing land and of course something like this can help us to stay hyped

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Seasonal depression is something i've been dealing with on and off since i moved out to portland oregon back in 2016. the summers here are beautiful and warm and sunny but the winters can really get gloomy it gets dark at 4 pm and even during the day you can barely tell it's light out anyway over the years i've found quite a few tips and strategies that really helped mitigate the effects of seasonal depression for me so today we're going to be covering some of my best tips for combating and dealing with seasonal depression or seasonal affective disorder really quick before we get into though i have two things i want to talk about one the background is different i have been working on making some upgrades to my youtube studio slash home office i'm gonna be sharing more in the coming weeks for what i've got going on back there i'm really excited about it hopefully you like the new look the other thing i want to talk about though i am not a medical doctor this is not medical advice always consult your physician before making any kind of changes to your daily routine this is just what has worked for me not specific medical advice for you so just take that for what it is but enough with the disclaimers let's get into the tips the first thing i wanted to talk about today is exercise i think exercise is a really important part of everyone's regular routine for just general well-being but it gets even more important during these gloomy winter months the key for me has been to keep it simple and light i would actually argue that you shouldn't go through that really intense exercise unless you enjoy it and are already used to it i like to do bodyweight exercises in my office during the mornings it's just a great way to get your muscles going and your blood pumping it's quick you know i usually only do 5 to 15 minutes in the morning and i don't even do that every day but i try and aim for most days the other thing that i do that i've kind of refallen in love with this year is hiking i think getting out and doing some walking or hiking is a great way to get in some exercise and it's a great way to see nature and it's a great way to see you know even if you're just in your neighborhood you get to see your neighborhood in a little bit of a different light if you're just used to driving by and parking your car and going into your home for me when i'm walking through the city or hiking out in nature it's a great time for me to process my thoughts kind of feel like that moving body moving brain sort of vibe going on usually when i'm out and about and because i don't walk to work anymore i definitely try and recreate that as much and as often as possible on a similar note spending time in nature on a regular basis has been a huge help for me with dealing with seasonal affective disorder there's actually a term for this called forest bathing it originated in japan and has since kind of spread around the world i don't know if you've heard of it before wherever you live but i know in the united states i've been hearing it more and more frequently over the past five years or so there are a lot of studies done where exposure to nature you know specifically a forest in this case can actually have a lasting benefit to your mental health this also kind of ties in with the exercise so you can kind of double up and kill two birds with one stone so i would recommend even if you don't have you know beautiful nature wherever you live i know i'm unbelievably spoiled living in the pacific northwest we have some of the best nature out here but no matter where you live i'm sure you've got some trees or some nice fields or meadows or something you can go walk around in and just quiet your mind for me you know it really helps reset my attention span and just take my headphones off listen to the sounds of nature walk around i get exercise i get that nature exposure and i end up leaving feeling so much better than i did when i came in another thing that has helped me immensely over the years is light therapy light therapy is essentially using an artificial light to help emulate the sun to help fix some of the hormonal imbalances that take place when you're in darker environments for extended periods of time like the winter months when you're in that darkness all of the time your body will actually release more melatonin during the day which can make you really sleepy and groggy and because of that early release of melatonin it can actually cause for you to have trouble falling asleep at night as well so not having that proper sleep and just being slow and sluggish and lazy during the day can really have terrible effects on your mood and your mental health they actually make what they call therapy lights and what you want to do is usually spend about 15 to 30 minutes in front of a therapy light on a daily basis if you're able it's actually rounds perfectly into the sponsor of today's video i want to take a minute to thank carex for sending out their theralate or achieve for me to test and try and also for reaching out and offering to sponsor a video covering seasonal affective disorder for all of you i've used several different therapy lights over the years and i can honestly say that the theralite orachi has been the best one i've used to date it gets up to 10 000 lux which is super bright if you're not familiar with the lux system and it's actually the recommended amount of light from doctors for you know effective light therapy it has four different brightness settings so you can kind of dial it in based on your preferences and maybe how far away you have the light i tend to use it either at my desk or actually in my kitchen when i'm making breakfast in the morning on top of that though it actually has a built-in qi wireless charger hence the name you do have a usb port as well if you want to charge something that doesn't have wireless charging it also has a regular clock an alarm clock and a thermostat it comes out to 78 dollars which is super reasonable compared to some of the other ones i've tried they have payment plan options on their website they have free shipping and a 90-day return policy so if for some reason it doesn't work out you can just send it back but you can also use code josh20 for 20 off your light if you're interested in picking one up i would highly recommend them huge thanks again for sponsoring today's video when you find yourself in a bit of a funk i think developing and maintaining some good routines in your day-to-day can be really beneficial sometimes if you're just feeling really sluggish or having a bad morning or a bad day you know knowing you have those normal practices that you do can kind of help get your body up and going and get your brain into that mindset that might be a little bit more positive it can also be a really great strategy to practice some mindfulness and kind of have some indirect meditation i'm not someone that meditates on a regular basis but i tend to find kind of meditative practices in you know doing chores around my house or making breakfast in the morning all those activities that are more physical than mental kind of give me that opportunity to practice more mindfulness and being present and in my own body it also gives me a lot of time to process my thoughts and emotions it can have a very similar effect to just dedicated meditation so if that doesn't sound like it's for you it's never been something i've been able to do successfully long term but this has been a great alternative and has had similar benefits if not better benefits for my case specifically next up we're talking about sleep something that is so crucially important to your mind and body and also something that so few people are able to do successfully there's something called sleep hygiene that is really important and it's not hygiene in the soap and water sense it's more in your nightly routines before bed and your sleeping environment itself so invest in a good quality mattress invest in blackout curtains if you don't have them already also invest in a good nightly routine you know try and avoid screens a little bit before bed if you're able to and just get yourself in the mindset of you know this area is for sleep and sleep alone the hormones that get released in your brain that tell you it's time to sleep will literally stop coming if you spend a lot of time during the day doing things that aren't sleeping in your bed this is something where you kind of have to do a little bit of everything for it to be successful but nothing that you have to do is overly difficult or time-consuming or expensive so try and implement as many of these as you can because they all kind of connect with each other in different ways sometimes what can feel like seasonal affective disorder or seasonal depression or just feeling low for extended amounts of time during the winter months can actually be from bigger problems in situations with real depression and anxiety and stress and there are just tons of different things that could be bigger problems that could be causing what seem like smaller symptoms if you've been dealing with a lot and have never seen a therapist it might be time to give that a try there are a ton of options out there it's worth the investment if you need it and on a personal level it's not always super clear if you know if you need it or not so if you do have you know good insurance that'll cover it to make it very inexpensive you know give it a try if you've been really having difficulty there's little to no stigma or home therapy these days and and talking to someone can be so beneficial if you're struggling don't be afraid to reach out and if for some reason you're not able to you know cover the cost of a therapist you know try and find friends or family or support systems out there that can help that you can at least talk to them but having a professional is definitely what i would recommend if you're able to apologies in advance for this next one being a little broad and idealistic the dreamer mind in me is speaking on this last one but i think it's important to find things in your life to get excited about i'm 31 about to be 32 in a few months so i'm not overly young and i'm also not overly old either but i think in my 31 years of living i have had quite a few adventures and things to be excited about i've always been someone who's always had a side project or you know a hobby to really deep dive into you know just something to get excited about to break up the monotony of regular day-to-day life you know it's easy to get in that grind of you know working errands chores sleep and you just kind of rinse and repeat and you're too tired to do anything but you know watch netflix when you get home from work you know try and find something to get yourself up and out of bed and excited for your days i know for me personally when i'm at my lower points with depression or anxiety it's always periods of time where i don't have anything going on to be excited about for me though recently you know working on the studio changes has just got me up and excited beyond belief and earlier in the year you know getting out hiking and backpacking try and create that zest for life as much as you can there's a level of deciding that you want to try and have a good day you know obviously it's easier said than done and you're not always going to be successful but there is definitely a mindset shift between you know wallowing in your sadness or trying to crawl out of it and clinical depression and you know anxiety disorders are no joke and i'm not minimizing that at all always see your doctor use medication if you need therapy is excellent as i already spoke about but you know for more mild versions or things that you might be dealing with on your own completely solo just try and get excited has always helped a ton for me and i think it'll help for you too that was actually my final tip and this wraps up the video you know try and implement as many of these as possible if you're struggling even if you're not you know it's usually a preventative measure to try and be happy and healthy and it's just a good thing to do in general anyway i'd love to hear if you have any tips that you want to share with me or anyone else in the audience let's get a good discussion going uh thank you all so much for watching i'd love to hear your thoughts on the new studio background like i said videos coming soon sharing some of this stuff so thank you all so much for watching and for the support i'll talk to you next week [Music] you

Boost your energy, improve your mood, and maintain your mental health with the TheraLite Aura Qi seasonal affective disorder lamp. The Aura Qi is an upgraded model of our popular TheraLite Aura light therapy lamp with new features, including an alarm clock, wireless charging station, and USB port. The seasonal depression lamp provides the doctor recommended 10,000 LUX bright light therapy from an overhead angle to aid in overall mood, energy, and sleep. The natural light lamp doubles as a desk lamp with four light settings. Take advantage of the many ways light therapy benefits your overall health and wellness.

  • Provides the doctor recommended 10,000 LUX from 12". Light box therapy is only effective if the  lamp provides 10,000 LUX from a comfortable sitting distance and an overhead angle. The sun lamp meets all of these requirements, making it one of the best lamps available.
  • Includes an alarm clock, wireless charging dock, and a USB port. We've upgraded our already popular TheraLite Aura and added new tech features to the Aura Qi Seasonal Affective Disorder light. The multifunctional seasonal depression light doubles as an alarm clock and phone/electronics charger.
  • A proven method for enhancing health and wellness. Numerous studies show bright light therapy lamps as an effective form of light therapy for depression, seasonal affective disorder, sleep disorders, jet lag, and more. Our sun lamps for depression are safe, effective, and meet recommendations from health experts.
  • Four light settings for custom light treatment. The Seasonal Affective Disorder light therapy lamp features four light settings to choose from. Start the morning right with 10,000 LUX light exposure therapy and use the light through the day on lower settings.
  • 3000k light temperature for a relaxing effect. A 3000k light temperature provides a soft light that offers a soothing effect. Softer light calms nerves to enhance well-being and promote better mental health.
  • Uses long-lasting LED bulbs. Traditional fluorescent bulbs burn out quickly and often make noise. Our 10000 LUX light box for depression uses high-grade LED bulbs that last longer, use less energy, and provide a more relaxing experience.
  • Use each morning for 30 minutes for the best results. Light therapy lamps work best when used in the morning after waking. Natural sunlight lamps work by mimicking the sun to aid in resetting your circadian rhythm. Light therapy lights are an excellent natural method for boosting mental health, energy, and sleep quality.

TheraLite Aura Qi Light Therapy Lamp With Alarm Clock And Phone Charger

"Great quality. Great price. Would highly recommend. Nice dimmer.. I was concerned it might not be large enough but it is perfect. My phone and earbuds charge on the charging stand. Absolutely love this for my seasonal depression." - Danny L. Kraynek (Amazon)


Don't let the winter blues get the best of you.

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Close-up banner for TheraLite light therapy lamps. Asks Need an energy boost? Shop original & Aura versions.
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Sunlight a natural factor critical to maintaining our mental and physical health it helps us synchronize our internal body cycles known as the circadian rhythm it's what helps us sleep when it's dark and makes us alert during the day because we spend most of our time inside away from sunlight our cycle and amount of natural light we receive our tampered with especially during winter months this leads to ongoing light deprivation which makes us vulnerable to mood disorders sleep problems fatigue poor ability to concentrate and more how do we fix this the answer lies in bright light therapy bright light therapy uses specialized 10,000 Lux lamps to mimic sunlight effectively these therapy lamps have been scientifically proven to help boost energy improve sleep and maintain wellness they help with conditions such as the winter blues sleep insomnia mood and energy disorders and more using bright light therapy is simple just turn your therapy lamp on and sit in front of it while performing daily tasks for to 30 minutes each day you'll start feeling the effects becoming more energized and ready to take on the day ready to light up and take on your world shop Caex's bright light therapy lamps Carex: caring for you [Music]

Meet the Upgraded Version of Our Best-Selling TheraLite Aura

We took our best-selling wellness lamp and added even more to it. The TheraLite Aura Qi delivers doctor recommended 10,000 LUX for best results and features additional tech such as a wireless phone charger, alarm clock, thermostat, and USB port.

The Aura Qi is the perfect lamp for morning light therapy sessions and task lighting throughout the entire day. 

Features & Benefits

  • Based on clinical trials
  • 10,000 LUX brightness as comfortable distance
  • Uses white light for eye safety
  • Broad field of illumination for easy use
  • Glare-free for visual comfort
  • Adjustable height for optimal positioning
  • IMPORTANT: Projects light from above
The TheraLite Aura Qi on a white background

Upgraded with New Tech Features

We've taken the greatness that is our Aura sunlight therapy lamp and added new features, including a wireless charging station, alarm clock, and USB port. Wake up right with light therapy and a charged phone. The Aura Qi is compact, making it an excellent sunlight lamp for office or home use.

A woman sitting next to the TheraLite Aura Qi showing its various features

Meets Dr. Recommendations

When it comes to light therapy for winter depression, health professionals agree sun lamps must provide 10,000 LUX from a comfortable sitting distance and at an overhead angle. We take these guidelines seriously to provide the best light therapy possible. The TheraLite Qi provides 10,000 LUX from an adjustable overhead angle and 12" sitting distance.

A woman reading a book on a couch next to the TheraLite Aura Qi

Doubles as a Therapy and Desk Lamp

The artificial sunlight lamp features four light settings, making it perfect for both a light therapy lamp and a desk lamp. Its tall design combined with its small footprint means you'll get adequate 10000 lux light therapy without it taking up a lot of space.

A woman writing next to a laptop in front of the TheraLite Aura Qi

Glare and Flicker-Free to Prevent Eye Strain

For comfortable bright light therapy, glare and flicker are two things you need to avoid as they can create eyestrain. The Aura daylight therapy lamp is equipped with a light diffuser to reduce glare and emit light evenly while a high-efficiency ballast prevents flickering. The aura daylight lamp delivers high-quality LED light therapy without creating any strain on your eyes.

Chart: Light spectrum with TheraLite Aura lamp. Text: Full Spectrum Light Therapy: Energy, Sleep, Mental Health.

Delivers Full-Spectrum Light Therapy

Many therapy lamps available today use blue spectrum light which can damage the skin and eyes. The Aura sun mimicking alarm clock uses full-spectrum lighting which is safe and effective in boosting energy levels, enhancing the quality of sleep, and improving mental health.

TheraLite Aura Qi Light Therapy Lamp With Alarm Clock And Phone Charger

  • 🌞 Delivers doctor recommended 10,000 LUX for best results
  • 🌞 Four light settings for custom treatment and all-day use
  • 🌞 Includes a built-in alarm  clock, thermostat, wireless charger, and USB port
  • 🌞 Easy to use: 20-30 minutes daily to feel the effects

Wake up to a brighter day.

Lamp Comparison Chart

TheraLite Aura Qi Light Therapy Lamp

TheraLite Aura Qi

  • Classification: Wellness
  • Sunlight Deprivation: Moderate
  • LUX Ouput: 10,000 LUX @ 12”
  • Color Temp: 3000K
  • Height Adjustable: ❌
  • Angle Adjustable: ✔️
  • Projects Light from Above: ✔️
  • No. of Light Settings: 4
  • Includes Alarm Clock: ✔️
  • Includes Wireless Charging: ✔️
TheraLite Aura 10,000 LUX Mood & Energy Enhancing Light Therapy Lamp

TheraLite Aura

  • Classification: Wellness
  • Sunlight Deprivation: Moderate
  • LUX Ouput: 10,000 LUX @ 12”
  • Color Temp: 3000K
  • Height Adjustable: ❌
  • Angle Adjustable: ✔️
  • Projects Light from Above: ✔️
  • No. of Light Settings: 4
  • Includes Alarm Clock:
  • Includes Wireless Charging:
TheraLite Halo Bright Light Therapy Lamp

TheraLite Halo

  • Classification: Wellness
  • Sunlight Deprivation: Moderate
  • LUX Ouput: 10,000 LUX @ 10”
  • Color Temp: 3000K
  • Height Adjustable: ❌
  • Angle Adjustable: ✔️
  • Projects Light from Above: ✔️
  • No. of Light Settings: 4
  • Includes Alarm Clock:
  • Includes Wireless Charging: ✔️
TheraLite Radiance Light Therapy Lamp

TheraLite Radiance

  • Classification: Wellness
  • Sunlight Deprivation: Moderate
  • LUX Ouput: 10,000 LUX @ 10”
  • Color Temp: 3000K
  • Height Adjustable: ❌
  • Angle Adjustable: ✔️
  • Projects Light from Above: ✔️
  • No. of Light Settings: 4
  • Includes Alarm Clock: ✔️
  • Includes Wireless Charging: ✔️
Carex Day-Light Classic Plus Light Therapy Lamp

Day-Light Classic Plus

  • Classification: Clinical
  • Sunlight Deprivation: Severe
  • LUX Ouput: 10,000 LUX @ 12”
  • Color Temp: 4000K
  • Height Adjustable: ✔️
  • Angle Adjustable: ✔️
  • Projects Light from Above: ✔️
  • No. of Light Settings: 2
  • Includes Alarm Clock:
  • Includes Wireless Charging:
Carex Day-Light Sky Light Therapy Lamp

Day-Light Sky

  • Classification: Clinical
  • Sunlight Deprivation: Severe
  • LUX Ouput: 10,000 LUX @ 12”
  • Color Temp: 4000K
  • Height Adjustable: ✔️
  • Angle Adjustable: ✔️
  • Projects Light from Above: ✔️
  • No. of Light Settings: 2
  • Includes Alarm Clock:
  • Includes Wireless Charging:

TheraLite Aura Qi Light Therapy Lamp With Alarm Clock And Phone Charger

"Since I started using this I feel generally better. I am not a grumpy bear and short tempered first thing in the morning. My spouse is highly impressed by the change. So am I. This light therapy for a half hour in the morning really works for me. The light temperature is low (under 4500k) and doesn't make macular degeneration worse. Helps to resolve SAD issues. Brightness is adjustable and it has a USB port, date and time display. I am very happy with this purchase. Totally worth the money." - Grey (Amazon)


Boost your mood.


Ask a Question
  • Where can I find a manual for this lamp?

    The manual for this lamp can be found here:

  • Does the therapy lamp promote production of vitamin D3, as does sunlight?

    None of our lamps promote vitamin D production as they block out UV to prevent skin and eye damage.

  • Hi! Does the Aura and the Aura Qi have the same kind of light technology inside? Is one more powerful than the other?

    Thanks for reaching out! Both the Aura Qi and Aura use the same light technology inside and produce the same 10,000 LUX. The Aura Qi is an upgraded version of the Aura with a wireless phone charger, alarm clock, and USB port.

  • How many watts does it use?

    This light therapy light uses 35 watts. Thanks for asking!

  • How long can you use the lamp at its lowest setting before you reach the daily recommended exposure? Does the lowest setting still provide light therapy benefits?

    When using the TheraLite Aura Qi Light Therapy Lamp for light therapy, the light should always be at its highest setting. The lower settings should be utilized when using the lamp as a light rather than for light therapy. For light therapy, the lamp should shine downward towards the user’s eyes at its highest setting. Light therapy recommended distances and session times are, 12”/30 cm for 30 minutes, 18”/45 cm for 60 minutes, and 24”/60 cm for 120 minutes.

TheraLite Aura Qi Light Therapy Lamp With Alarm Clock And Phone Charger

"Not much to dislike. I like how it will light up a room and not make you feel blinded or even hot. It's a very soft light and it will give out enough sunshine when you need it. Try the different settings as you go and get used to when you need it and don't need it. Seriously, do not have it on all day, but it can't hurt if you are in a very dark area all the time. I will certainly purchase some more as I need them. Worth the cost." - Samuel Anderson (Amazon)


Create your own sunshine.

Helpful Light Therapy Resources

A sun graphic in side of a blue border with the text The Ultimate Guide to Bright Light Therapy

The Ultimate Guide to Light Therapy

The Day-Light Classic Plus therapy lamp with the text Buyer’s Guide: Selecting the Right Light Therapy Lamp

Buyer's Guide: Selecting the Right Light Therapy Lamp

Various light therapy lamps surrounded by a blue border with the text Product Quiz: Selecting the Right Therapy Lamp

Product Quiz: Selecting the Right Therapy Lamp

Graphic: Woman, sun, therapy lamp. Text: Does Light Therapy Work? Expert Findings on SAD Lamps.

Does light therapy work? Expert findings answering "do SAD lamps work?"