Stay Safe, Independent, and Comfortable in the Bathroom
Trust in Carex for all of your bathroom safety needs. Our wide selection, guaranteed product warranty, and 35+ year experience make us the trusted brand for anyone looking to improve the safety of their bathroom. Our mission and reason for being are to enable our customers to live healthier, more comfortable, and independent lives.
A Bathtub Rail for Elderly, Disabled, or those at Risk of Falls
Tub support handles can make a significant difference in the safety of the bathroom. Adding a level of support can help users step in and out of the tub while minimizing the chances of falls.

Adjustable Mount Secures to Most Bathtubs
Our bathtub rail can continuously be adjusted for a tight fit in the desirable location. Installation requires no drilling and takes minutes. Protective rubber pads prevent your tub from being scratched.
Does this work with clawfoot tubs?
Yes, it will fit some clawfoot tubs, but we can't guarantee it fitting.