Stay Safe, Independent, and Comfortable in the Bathroom
Trust in Carex for all of your bathroom safety needs. Our wide selection, guaranteed product warranty, and 35+ year experience make us the trusted brand for anyone looking to improve the safety of their bathroom. Our mission and reason for being are to enable our customers to live healthier, more comfortable, and independent lives.
A Three in One Bedside Commode
Our three in one commode acts as a bedside commode, raised toilet seat, or toilet safety frame. Take it from the bedroom to the bathroom or wherever it's needed. It's perfectly sized to fit in almost any living space and makes for easy transportation.

Made of Durable Steel
Compared to standard aluminum, steel is more durable and able to last longer. The steel build makes our bedside commode chair able to withstand daily use without wear and tear.
What is the width between the arms?
It is 21"