A Trusted, Leading Brand in Light Therapy for Skincare
Light Treatment for Acne that Fits in Your Pocket
Consider this your best friend for acne treatment while away from home. Treat sudden breakouts with blue light face treatment. The Poof features a compact size that's perfect for treating acne. Its portability makes it a great emergency aid when acne happens away from home. Take it anywhere for light therapy acne spot treatment.
Combines the Benefits of Blue and Red LED Light Therapy
Our LED light therapy device uses blue and red light therapy for acne relief. Blue light is used to reach deep into the skin to penetrate oil glands and destroy acne-causing bacteria. Not only does this minimize acne symptoms, but it also reduces oil production to lower the chances of future breakouts. Red light therapy for skin helps with reducing swollen skin and pain while helping it heal. Infrared light for skin boosts the energy of cells to spark elastin and collagen production. This results in younger-looking and healthier skin.
FDA Approved LED Light Therapy
All reVive light therapy machines have been tested, and FDA approved to be safe and effective. This blue and red light for acne has been registered as an OTC Class II medical device. This means this blue and red light device has the degree of control needed to assure safety and effectiveness.

What's Included
The Poof blue and red light therapy device comes with a six-month warranty and user guide. It uses one AAA battery (not included). Should anything happen to your light therapy treatment device, we'll make it right.
Considered to be One of the best acne light therapy devices
“If you’ve ever been going about your day only to discover a pimple creeping its way up to the surface — only to find yourself all but racing home to be reunited with your spot treatment, consider this instead. In three minutes, for under $20 this tiny FDA-approved device uses LED light to stop breakouts in their tracks, so you can get back to your day stress-free.”—Sara Spruch-Feiner
“The reVive Light Therapy® Poof Acne Treatment device is the smallest, most travel-friendly option out today. The medical-grade blue LED lights reach deep under the skin where bacteria live to literally zap away debris and soothe inflammation. Simply hold still over your pimple for three minutes daily to see the blemish shrink over a span of a few short days.”—Nikki Brown
“This mini Revive Light Therapy Poof Acne Treatment is a great way try at-home light therapy for your breakouts. Using the medical grade LED light can help kill bacteria even below the skin’s surface to help zits clear up quicker.”—Krista Jones
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