Stay Safe, Independent, and Comfortable in the Bathroom
Trust in Carex for all of your bathroom safety needs. Our wide selection, guaranteed product warranty, and 35+ year experience make us the trusted brand for anyone looking to improve the safety of their bathroom. Our mission and reason for being are to enable our customers to live healthier, more comfortable, and independent lives.
Made with Convenience and Affordability in Mind
Meet our Carex Classics Steel Commode: the functional yet affordable version of our top-selling commode. We've made it to enhance your bath safety, maintain independence, and stay within your budget.

I see that the toilet seat snaps onto the frame. Are there different toilet seat sizes? The one we have is a bit too small for my 165 lb. husband. He uses it but a larger seat size would be much more comfortable.
Thanks for reaching out!
The next size up would be our Carex Extra-Wide Steel Commode. It has a wider size to offer more room and comfort for your husband. You can find it here: https://carex.com/products/carex-extra-wide-steel-commode
Hope this helps!