First Developed by NASA. Now Available for Personal Pain Relief.
NASA first started researching and developing red light therapy for plant growth in space. After discovering these lights needed too much power and produced too much heat, they found another use for them: pain management and bone/muscle mass preservation for astronauts in space. Today, dpl® pain relief products use the same red light therapy to aid in pain relief, improve blood circulation, and enhance & quicken the healing process.
Safe to Use, Drug-Free, and FDA-Cleared Pain Relief.
Red light therapy products have been medically proven to be safe and effective. dpl® red light therapy products for pain relief are safe for all skin types, serve as a alternative to pain medications, and are FDA-cleared Class II medical devices.
Red light therapy products have been medically proven to be safe and effective. dpl® red light therapy products for pain relief are safe for all skin types, serve as a alternative to pain medications, and are FDA-cleared Class II medical devices.

For Effective Foot Pain Relief
dpl® slippers are perfect for anyone that struggles with foot pain from arthritis, sore/weak muscles, sprains, and more. Red light therapy is safe, effective, and uses proven technology from medical experts. It's comfortable design makes eye pain relief convenient and more comfortable.
How many nm's are generated by your product? I noticed there wasn't any red lights at the top of the 'slipper', why is that?
Thanks for asking! The slippers emit a 880nm infrared light and 660nm red light. These slippers feature lights on the bottom to target pain on the bottom of the foot from conditions such as plantar fasciitis.
How effective is device for neuropathy? Do the slippers last along time before replacement?
Great questions! Generally speaking, red light therapy has been proven to treat neuropathy. We wrote an article showcasing studies used for red light therapy, with neuropathy being one of them: https://carex.com/blogs/resources/guide-to-red-light-therapy-for-pain#whattypesofpaindoesredlighttherapytreat
The manufacturer of this product also ran their own study and found their products to treat 100% of the participants involved: https://ledtechnologies.com/blog/pain-reduction-study-results/
Yes, these slippers are made to withstand daily use. They are made to relieve pain but not for walking through your home all day.