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Resources — arthritis

A woman placing a red light therapy device over her wrist

Science-Backed Red Light Therapy Benefits and Uses

While it may sound too good to be true, red light therapy has proven itself to be a universal treatment for many health conditions. The history of red light therapy research goes as far back as 1967 when the first device was developed, and into the 1990s, NASA started studying red light therapy for pain relief. This article will go through the many benefits and uses of red light therapy to better understand how it can help. Studies back each use and benefit to show results.

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A woman holding her wrist in pain

Home Remedies for Arthritis Treatment in Hands and Fingers

Arthritis, while it is ubiquitous, is not very well understood. Simply put, it is the inflammation of one or more joints resulting in pain or stiffness that can worsen with age.

Being the leading cause of disability in America, arthritis is not just an older person's disease. It's an informal way of referring to joint pain that affects people of all ages. Pain, swelling, and tenderness of the joints in your hands, mainly due to arthritis, can be pretty debilitating and affect your everyday life. Living with arthritis in your fingers can bring you many different types of pain.

Check out these simple home remedies to provide relief in arthritis in hands and fingers.

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A person holding a flower between their hands

How to Prevent Arthritis in Hands

Arthritis is the inflammation of the joints causing pain, swelling, and redness in the joints. It is not a single disease but a term used to refer to joint inflammation or joint ailments. There are as many as 100 types of arthritis, all with different manifestations and symptoms.

Many different types of arthritis affect the joints of hands, wrists, and fingers, including osteoarthritis (OA) and inflammatory arthritis types such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). 

This guide will walk you through how to avoid arthritis in your hands including an arthritis prevention diet and exercises to prevent hand arthritis. 

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A graphic of a head with a cloud above it. Text, "Mental Health Facts and Stats"

Mental Health Facts and Statistics (Infographic)

Our mental health is so often overlooked merely because it’s a constant facet we must always be aware of 24/7/365. After all, our minds constantly process information, develop new thoughts, and evolve based on chemical makeup and our surroundings. For this reason, having an awareness of various mental health facts, figures, and statistics can help us maintain our mental health. We’ve compiled a variety of facts to help bring awareness and understanding to different health conditions. This article breaks these pieces of information down into generalized facts and figures, seasonal affective disorder, anxiety, physical pain (its impact on mental health), and aging.

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A doctor checking a woman's neck

Joint Pain Causes, Remedies & Treatments for Relief

According to the findings of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), around 15 million people report experiencing severe joint pain related to arthritis, with half of these adults reporting persistent pain. According to a separate 2016 study by Joint Pain Epidemiology, symptomatic osteoarthritis affects from 10% to 15% of the global population, with over 27 million people in the US and 8.5 million in the UK. Furthermore, data from the European Health Interview Surveys showed that the knee, hand, and hip as the most affected regions in the human body. In this article, we'll break down the causes of acute and chronic joint pain as well as the most recommended joint pain treatments.

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