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Resources — CPAP

A graphic of a man using a CPAP machine. Text, "The Ultimate Guide to CPAP Therapy"

The 2023 Ultimate Guide to CPAP

This guide offers an in-depth look at CPAP and covers all the essentials, including what CPAP is, how it works, what it treats, choosing a machine, best practices, accessories, etc. It serves as an ultimate guide for CPAP education with all the essential information one might need when learning CPAP.

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A man with a beard holding a CPAP mask

How to Use a CPAP Machine with a Beard

If you have a beard, you’re probably concerned about it interfering with your CPAP therapy or even wondering "can you have a beard with a CPAP machine?"

The answer is yes, you can have a beard while using CPAP. However, CPAP and facial hair don't always go well together which means you'll want to take some precautionary steps. Below, we highlight the essentials of CPAP when it comes to having a beard including selecting a CPAP mask for beards, the importance of having an adequate CPAP seal with a beard, hygiene, and more.

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Luggage in an airport in front of a window with a plane taking off

How to Travel with CPAP

Traveling with CPAP in the modern age is a lot more doable than in the early years of CPAP. The machines are smaller, lightweight, and can be accompanied by convenient carrying bags for easy transportation. While it might be tempting to skip CPAP while traveling, it’s important you don’t. The returning symptoms that can occur make it worthwhile to prepare for travel. This guide will walk you through the essentials of CPAP travel, including best practices, flying with CPAP, getting through airport security, camping, and more.

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