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Resources — Bright Light Therapy

A graphic showing two clocks during night and day. Text, "30 ways to restore your circadian rhythm"

30 Tips on How to Restore Circadian Rhythm

According to the Sleep Foundation, getting at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night is crucial for our physical and mental health. Yet, for some, sleep is a privilege. If you or someone you know does not get adequate sleep or has difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, try some of the tips below to help improve your circadian clock.

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A graphic of a head with a cloud above it. Text, "Mental Health Facts and Stats"

Mental Health Facts and Statistics (Infographic)

Our mental health is so often overlooked merely because it’s a constant facet we must always be aware of 24/7/365. After all, our minds constantly process information, develop new thoughts, and evolve based on chemical makeup and our surroundings. For this reason, having an awareness of various mental health facts, figures, and statistics can help us maintain our mental health. We’ve compiled a variety of facts to help bring awareness and understanding to different health conditions. This article breaks these pieces of information down into generalized facts and figures, seasonal affective disorder, anxiety, physical pain (its impact on mental health), and aging.

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