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Resources — Sleep

A graphic of the sun behind clouds. Text, "Light Deprivation: What happens if you don't get enough sunlight?

Light Deprivation: What Happens if You don't Get enough Sunlight?

Most of us learn early on in our lives what too much sun can do to us. We often hear, ‘Make sure to wear sunscreen -- you could get sunburnt or even develop skin cancer.’ or ‘Don’t look directly into the sun, or you’ll damage your eyes.’ But did you know that not enough sun can be detrimental too?

Proper sunlight exposure does more for our bodies than we may realize. It prompts our brain to produce serotonin, a hormone that wakes us up and gives us energy. That serotonin is then converted into melatonin at night, which helps us fall asleep more easily. Sunlight also helps our bodies produce vitamin D and can even benefit our heart, eye, and skin health!

Unfortunately, with Americans spending 90 percent of their time indoors on averagemost of us don’t get enough sunlight. Without enough sunlight, our whole lives can be affected. In this article, we’ll outline exactly what can happen when we’re deprived of that necessary light and what you can do to make sure you get it.

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A woman with a lightbulb and vitamin D capsules. Text, "22 Ways to Increase Serotonin"

22 Ways to Increase Serotonin Levels

Serotonin is the "feel-good" chemical with a variety of functions in the human body. While dopamine releases the happy hormone, serotonin stabilizes the mood. The two can go hand in hand. Serotonin, sometimes considered a hormone, is a neurotransmitter the body uses to send messages between nerve cells. Serotonin plays a role in our mood, sleep, emotions, appetite, and digestion. People with low levels of serotonin (also known as a serotonin deficiency), find themselves feeling tired, irritable, and unable to function properly. To help combat this, we've compiled a few methods on how to get more serotonin including foods high in serotonin, exercise and serotonin, sunlight, and more. All are ways to increase serotonin naturally and safely.

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A woman waking up with back pain

How to Sleep with Back Pain

Back pain leads to poor sleep, which leads to poor mental and physical conditions. This impacts your daily life.

Surprisingly, most back pain is not caused by severe medical conditions such as cancer or arthritis. Most back pain is from bad posture, poor sleep positions, or other lifestyle habits. In this guide, we’re going to break down a few best practices, tips, and products you can use for back pain treatment and improved sleep. 

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A graphic of a man using a CPAP machine. Text, "The Ultimate Guide to CPAP Therapy"

The 2023 Ultimate Guide to CPAP

This guide offers an in-depth look at CPAP and covers all the essentials, including what CPAP is, how it works, what it treats, choosing a machine, best practices, accessories, etc. It serves as an ultimate guide for CPAP education with all the essential information one might need when learning CPAP.

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