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Resources — Sleep

A graphic of a man sleeping on a bed. Text, "The Ultimate Guide to Sleep"

The 2022 Ultimate Guide to Sleep

As humans, we need sleep not only to survive but to live well too. Unfortunately, many factors can interfere with getting enough quality sleep these days, from TV and smartphones to work and other life stressors. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 35.2 percent of all adults in the U.S. get less than the necessary 7 hours of sleep per night.

If you’re part of that statistic, don’t worry. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about getting a good night’s sleep so that you can get back on track and live your best life.

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A man sitting in sunlight

Chronotherapy for Seasonal Affective Disorder

Chronotherapy is a clinical tool used to treat depression and other affective disorders. In short, it is a strategy to establish appropriate circadian patterns through external stimuli control, proper sleep, and light exposure tools. When used in combination with medication and other treatments, chronotherapy is highly effective for alleviating symptoms related to SAD.

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A woman waking up in bed

6 Health Side Effects of Sleeping on a Bad Mattress

An old mattress, or one that isn't a good match for your body's needs, can do a lot more harm than just disrupting your sleep. A bad mattress can cause anything from chronic back pain to allergies and weight gain, as well as deteriorating mental health and stress.

Here are six compelling symptoms of sleeping on a bad mattress and reasons to ensure you're sleeping on a suitable mattress.

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